February 11, 2025
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Top 5 BBQ, Bakar & Panggang Meats in Town!

This coming 28 – 29th Dec, FriedChillies X LIFT will be organising… you guessed it.. the first ever Pesta Bakar FriedChillies featuring the best rusa panggang, ayam golek madu golek from Kuantan, kambing bakar, ikan bakar & itik bakar from Shah Alam.

” This article is for carnivores only. True Blue 100% Meat Loving Carnivors! “

Yup, The Pesta Bakar FriedChillies will feature FIVE of the best pit masters and local grillers in one location for 2 days only. Curated by yours trully FriedChillies… just for you! So, fellow carnivores, don’t miss this tasty food event. Admission is free. So who are the master grillers and bakar lejens coming?

1. Ayam Golek Madu Bunohan, Kuantan – How good can Ayam Golek be, right? Wrong! FriedChillies went all the way to Kuantan just to rate Ayam Golek Madu Bunohan that went viral last March and AGMB had one of the highest ratings for Ayam Golek we have ever scored. Their chicken is slowly charcoal fire barbequed… with fresh chicken cooked over a rotating pit.

Ayam Golek Madu Bunohan on the pit

We were surprised that the skin wasn’t crispy but there’s a reason for this. The special lemongrass/tumeric secret marinade that they use is just out of this world and gives good moisture and texture to the skin. Why? because this chook is slow cooked, the whole bird “masak sampai dalam” ok. Giler sedap. Tender and sweet to the bone, guys! Most ayam golek fails in this area as the meat will be… yes… you guessed it. Hard. Tak sedap. So get them chooks at the #PBF2019 Pesta boys and girls!

2. Beard Brother BBQ, Tropicana – After a successful stint at our Cyberjaya Makan Best Fest 2019, they are back with more meat and more briskets to vow their fans. With customised meat smokers from Australia (which they designed), BBBQ’s briskets are always one of the best fall of the bone tasty meats you will have ever tried. They will be preparing special tasting portions which is always a hit for all their fans so come early to avoid disappointment.

The full shebang at Beard Bros BBQ
Nazri and his smoker at Beard Bros
The Smoker at Beard Bros

3. Rusa Panggang & Kambing Bakar Libing Lejen, KL . A good rusa panggang is sweet and juicy if done well. Different from kambing which has a more gamey and “pungent” smell. It’s a great alternative for people who “tak gemar makan” kambing. Outside of Ramadan month, hard to find a good rusa panggang. These guys from Living Lejen are famous in the Malay kenduri kahwin scene because of their masterful pit master skills in giving a fantastic taste per gram ratio on their barbequed meats. Come and see how they perfected their barbeque technique. At one point, they will lower their specially made canopy over the grill pit to simulate an oven bake of their panggang meats! Pasal tu lah sedap gaiz! If you miss this pesta, you need to get invited to a wedding to taste their fine bbq’ed meats, yo!

Kambing Panggangg by Libing Lejen
Kambing Golek at Libing Lejen, Cut Meat Pieces

4. Itik Bakar Gembo, Shah Alam – This is an excellent malay take on itik bakar. We are used to the crispy skin itik panggang version but this one is very different. Apples & Oranges guys. But really tasty. Gembo uses a “professional like” smoker to salai, bakar & cook their itik using more malay heavy spices. Memang best with a plate of warm rice. But the piece de resistance is the sauce…. the cili sauce guys… its just so… perfect with the itik bakar. One word for this. Thigh slappingly good. Datanglah.. Jangan tak datang. Rugi.

Itik Bakar Gembo in Shah Alam
Duck Bakar

5. Ikan Bakar Seri Melaka, Jalan Bellamy. – If you don’t know them, shame on you. They are Lejens. Our favourite is Seri Melaka.. yes.. the middle stall. It’s always packed. And prices are very affordable. Their speciality is the grilled pari which their other competitors find hard to beat. The secret is that they only use the male (jantan) pari’s because according to them, it is tastier. Combined with their special chili grill marinade, each piece individually wrapped in banana leaf & grilled over a huge hotplate, this is the one to go for. They are located in a food court behind the old national palace for the last 30 years or so. Is it comfortable? No. You sweat like a horse and come out smelling like fish. And then you come back the next day because the food is so good. Really.

So this 28 – 29th (Sat & Sun) December, come to the Putrajaya LIFT Festival & find the Pesta Bakar FriedChillies at the Medan Selera Area (In front of Suasana PJH Building). Our Lejen’s and BBQ Masters will be barbequing like crazy for all of you from 3pm – 10pm. After the feast, stay for the LAMPU Fest and International/Local Acts by LIFT. Sorted! Anyway, stay updated on #PBF2019 info such as parking, event itineraries and updates on the FriedChillies FB and IG nearer to the event. See you there folks!

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